Is your child struggling with anxiety, leaving you concerned and longing for a solution?

Imagine if you and your child could learn how to conquer their anxiety together, so they could feel happy and confident 

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Do any of these sound like you?

  • You hate to see your child struggling with their anxiety, and the negative impact it's having on their life. You'd do anything to help them, but you're not sure what the best approach to take is. There's so much conflicting advice out there and the path isn't clear. 
  • You’re at your wits end, perhaps feeling like you have already tried everything, and nothing works.  You’d love to be taught a proven process that will work, and have lots of support along the way. 
  • You’re wondering if your child needs to see a psychologist or therapist, but you're worried about the cost or how long you might have to wait to be seen.
  • You’re concerned about what the future holds for your child if their anxiety doesn't get any better.
  • You and your partner (or other adults in your child's life) don’t always agree on the best way to handle your anxious child, and this sometimes leads to inconsistency and conflict.
  • You child's anxiety is not only impacting their life, but also disrupting the rest of your family leaving you feeling stressed, overwhelmed and sad.

  • In your darkest times you worry that you might be a bad parent because your child has anxiety or because you can't seem to fix it?

If you find yourself nodding along to ANY of the statements above, you're not alone 

Hello! I'm Frances, an award-winning child therapist with more than 30 years' experience under my belt, both in private practice and as a specialist in the NHS in the UK.  

Anxiety is the #1 reason parents contact me, and I've worked with hundreds of children to overcome and manage their anxiety, with incredible results. 

Anxiety is a growing problem for children and young people, affecting many aspects of their lives and stopping them from having a normal, happy childhood. 

Research also shows that untreated anxiety can also lead to more serious mental health problems developing later in your child's life. 

But, there is good news . . . anxiety is very treatable - particularly if you catch it as early as possible.

And that is why I created FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS -- it's a comprehensive online programme specifically designed to help your child break free from the grips of anxiety, while simultaneously equipping you with the necessary skills to support them every step of the way.

If you would like your child to overcome their anxiety, I’d love to invite you both to join me in FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS in early 2024

 This innovative programme:

✔ Addresses the root causes of your child’s anxiety to guarantee lasting success, rather than just providing a band-aid for the symptoms.

✔ Gives you access to the proven methods I use without you having to spend a fortune on therapy. 

âś” Finally gives you solutions that really work

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Over 8 weeks, you will develop skills to understand and manage your child’s anxiety, and your child will learn proven strategies to understand, manage and overcome their anxiety. You will both have loads of support and reassurance along the way. 

Working with both you and your child in this way ensures they overcome their anxiety, feel happy and confident, and reach their full potential.

"My husband and I contacted Frances after our young daughter developed anxiety symptoms. Frances is so lovely and kind, caring and compassionate. Our daughter looked forward to the modules with Frances (and Bertha, the dog). We now have a happy child again and we will be forever grateful."

Mother of 9 year old girl

Picture this: 

How would you feel…

âś” Knowing your child feels safer and happier and more confident? 

âś” Seeing your child calm and peaceful, rather than in a state of high alert? 

âś” Watching your child taking part in activities with their friends, laughing and playing instead of worrying and tying themselves up in knots? 

âś” Having your child fall asleep easily every night?

 âś” Knowing that your child isn’t worrying about what others think of them, or concerned about being ‘perfect’?

 âś”Being able to go out as a family, or go on holiday, without worrying about your child?

 âś” Not having to walk on eggshells around your child, and instead having a peaceful home enviroment without conflict?

âś” Knowing you've done everything you can as a parent to support them? 

What Parents Are Saying About From Fearful to Fearless:

  •   “I am nearly at week 6 of the videos and have found them so engaging and informative. The information is at such an accessible level and is delivered in a really sensitive and understanding way.” (Mother of 8 year old boy)


  • “I love the colours, the room settings in which you record and even your tone of voice is relaxing” (Mother)
  • “I thought doing the timeline was brilliant. It really made you think that it’s sometimes an accumulation of events and not just one that can cause issues” (Father of 9 year old girl)
  • “My son likes the music and cartoon dog intro, he also likes seeing Bertha. He finds the puppets entertaining!” (Father of 7 year old boy)


  • "We are really enjoying the course so far.  We're about to start Module 4, but are already using the techniques you are teaching us.  I really like that there are so many options to use . . . I'm loving it" (Mother)


I'm ready to join!

Here's how it all plays out:

  • Over the 8 weeks, you and your child will get access to 6 modules. Each module has separate video lessons for you and your child, and contains downloadable resources and workbooks to help you both transfer your learnings to real life.
  • There are 2 'implementation' weeks--giving your child time to practice what they’re learning, and giving you time to catch up if life gets in the way.You also get lifetime access to all 6 modules and resources, so it's always there to refer to.
  • Optional access to weekly Q&A calls with me to support you through the journey 

What you’ll find inside

From Fearful to Fearless


I've designed your child's lessons to help them understand, manage and reduce their anxiety in a fun and engaging way, with the support of our lovely therapy dog, Bertha. 

From understanding what has caused their anxiety, to recognising triggers and developing healthy coping mechanisms, your child will gain practical skills to navigate life with confidence, all while being accompanied by Bertha, their faithful therapy dog companion.


Over 8 weeks, YOUR CHILD will work through:

  • Module One - Understanding Anxiety 

    This module is designed to reassure your child and let them know they are not alone with their struggles. In it, they will learn all about anxiety - what it is, what is happening in their body when they are anxious (and why its not their fault!), and the most common fears and worries children can have.
  • Module Two - Understanding YOUR Anxiety 

    Here your child will learn to recognise the signs of anxiety in their own body, and where their anxiety may have come from. This knowledge ensures we’re treating the root cause (not just the symptoms), sets your child up for success and ensures they engage with the rest of the course effectively.
  • Module Three - Simple Ways To Start Feeling Better 

    This module focuses on encouraging your child to adopt healthy self-care habits that will lessen their anxiety. These are presented in an engaging way to ensure your child is more willing to give them a try and reap the anxiety-reducing benefits. 
  • Module Four - Learning to calm your fight, flight or freeze response 

    In this module your child will learn my 2-part method for calming their limbic system, so they know how to 'reset' themselves when their fight, flight or freeze response gets accidentally triggered by their anxiety. They will begin to see their reactions as something they can learn to manage so they no longer have to avoid situations that may trigger them, and can find their confidence and start enjoying life again.
  • Module Five - Training Your Brain Not to Worry! 

    This empowering module teaches your child all about how to take control of their thinking patterns, and choose patterns that make them feel more courageous and positive. Once your child has learned how to train their brain not to worry in the first place, they are then ready to learn how to finally face their fears in the last section of the module.
  • Module Six - Bringing it all Together 

    In the final module your child will reflect on everything they have learned and celebrate their progress.  They are supported to practice their new skills and believe in themselves, to ensure lasting success.  

While your child is progressing through the course, you’ll work through lessons designed to help you understand what your child is going through, along with advice on how to help your child implement the strategies they are learning, and tips on other ways to strengthen their resilience and emotional wellbeing.

You’ll also learn what to say (and what not to say!) to your anxious child, and how to support your child through their journey. 


Over 8 weeks, YOU will work through:


  • Module One - Understanding Anxiety 

    We start by taking a deep dive into exploring exactly what anxiety is, how it shows up and what it feels like for your child. Then we look at the different types of anxiety disorders that children can have. Finally, we explore the most common psychological, biological and environmental causes of childhood anxiety. 
  • Module Two - Understanding YOUR Child's Anxiety 

    I’ll help you identify the cause by sharing some of the tools I use in my therapy practice. This is important because it’s no good throwing a load of solutions at anxiety, if we don’t understand what caused it in the first place – some of them may work, but that’s more down to luck than design. And often one symptom may settle only to be replaced by something new a few days or weeks later.  When we start with looking at the root causes rather than just treating the symptoms, and resolve the causes first, then we achieve lasting success.
  • Module Three -Addressing the Causes of Your Child’s Anxiety  

     Here we explore the different ways to support your anxious child, based on the cause of their anxiety that we identified in Module 2. Depending on the cause, you will learn the appropriate solutions that are right for your child, and grow in confidence knowing you finally have solutions that will work for your child.  You'll also learn how to create a 'low-stress' environment to help your child manage their anxiety while they are recovering.
  • Module Four -Managing Your Child’s Anxiety Part 1   

    We start looking at actionable techniques and strategies designed to calm your anxious child. Once you have learned all about calming your anxious child in the right way using these approaches, and have seen how effective they are, you are ready to progress to Part 2.
  • Module Five - Managing Your Child's Anxiety - Part 2  

    This is all about training children's brains to think in a more balanced and realistic way so they feel empowered to overcome any unhelpful thoughts and reframe them. In this module I teach you how to help your child recognise their anxious thought patterns; support them to change these; and help them to start facing and overcoming their fears. You will also learn extra strategies to support your child at home and at school. 
  •  Module Six - Bringing it all Together  

    In this final module you will learn how to avoid falling in to the 'Cycle of Negative Reinforcement' trap by using everything you have learned in the course going forward. We will also troubleshoot particularly challenging situations, and spend some time looking at how you care for yourself, as parenting an anxious child can be exhausting. 

Along with the core content, you will also get these extra bonuses:

EFT Training For Parents

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT (also known as tapping), is a wonderful tool to help reduce the intensity of difficult feelings.

Your child will learn how to use the technique as part of the course, but this bonus video tutorial teaches you everything you need to help you master the technique, and support your child to practise it too.

Parents' Modules Available As A Private Podcast

Some parents love to settle down and watch their videos, but others have told us they would rather listen to the course material while driving, walking the dog, or doing other daily chores. 

So we have recently added the option to listen to parents' modules as a private podcast - a perfect bonus for busy parents! 


3 Months FREE Subscription to our Membership

Our membership is a wonderful resource for any parents interested in nurturing their child’s emotional wellbeing and mental health.

When your free 3 months comes to an end you'll be offered the chance to remain a member with reduced monthly fees locked in for life!


Weekly Support Call (Mentorship Option only)

Every week during the 8 weeks of the course, Frances offers a high level of personalised advice and support in the form of a private group Q and A call (on Zoom) to assist students with any challenges they may be facing.

(Please note: this is for the Fearless Mentorship option only)

More reviews from happy parents:

He is now in school full time

"Prior to the course my son had long term struggles with emotional regulation and understanding which displayed as physical outbursts and extreme anxiety, including school refusal on and off for many years.  He is now in school full time and we have seen a real change in his understanding of feelings and his emotional regulation, as well as a much happier and settled home environment. We have not had physical outbursts for months now . . . the skills and knowledge we have gained has been life-changing and is something we can continue using to help us navigate our way positively through any future obstacles"

(Mother of 12 year old boy)

She enjoyed the videos and looked forward to them

“ She said writing her worries down and then us talking about them helped her. One day she came home from school very quiet, but said she was ok, whilst doing a bit of the course it encouraged her worry to come out and we could deal with it, so that really helped. She loves the relaxation techniques”

(Mother of 9 year old girl)

We have definitely seen positive changes and a reduction in his anxiety

"It is an incredibly helpful tool to be able to help both my children - and us as a whole family  - and we are all using the techniques together to help embed them and help them become instinctive behaviours. We have definitely seen positive changes and a reduction in his anxiety, so it's been a very positive experience. A very big thank you from us!"

 (Mother of 10 year old boy)

It also made him see he could try to think about things differently.

"My son was very attached to me, he cried when he had to leave me for school or contact with his father, would wake often in the night and would return from contact with his father quite angry, with mood swings. The course gave him the encouragement to talk about his feelings and understand them a little. It also made him see he could try to think about things differently."

(Mother of 6 year old boy)

I would definitely recommend this course, its fantastic!

"My daughter had suffered from general anxiety for a while; she wouldn't sleep alone, had dark thoughts and meltdowns. The course has helped her to understand why she has emotional and angry outbursts and resolve these outbursts. She now also recognises when it's happening and will talk about it, so that we can go through it together. I would definitely recommend this course, it's fantastic!"

(Mother of 10 year old girl)

I found the videos so interesting

"I really like how the videos are broken down into sections to separate the content. I found the information so interesting and it has really helped develop my understanding of my child's anxiety as well as my own. The videos provided practical helpful techniques to use going forward, no matter what life experiences we encounter as a family.”

(Mother of 11 year old girl)

"The techniques provided by Frances had a positive effect on Jessica (aged 13) resulting in less outbursts, and Jessica beginning to self-regulate more effectively and seeking alternative methods (as provided by Frances) to display her emotions. The vast experience and therapeutic interventions that can be offered by Frances ensures that appropriate support can always be delivered to support children to achieve positive outcomes. We would highly recommend Frances to provide therapeutic support for any young person who may be in need of this "

Wayne Barker
Manager of Children's Residential Home

Still not sure if From Fearful to Fearless is for you? 

From Fearful to Fearless is the right fit if: 

✔ Your child’s anxiety is disrupting their life or causing them to miss out on important experiences. Perhaps they are unable to go to school and are missing out on their education, or they could be unable to settle to sleep at night without a trusted adult, or maybe they are struggling to socialise with friends away from you, or join in extra-curricular activities. These are just a few examples of the ways anxiety can impact on a child's life and cause stress and misery.  

✔ You would do anything to see your child live a happy, normal childhood, but you’re not sure where to start. You hate to see your anxious child struggling with their anxiety, and the negative impact its having on their life, but there's so much conflicting advice out there and the path can feel murky.

 ✔ You’re worried you might be a bad parent and you’re questioning where you went wrong. Let me reassure you . . . you are not a bad parent because your child has anxiety! It's a huge problem for thousands of children at the moment, and this is due to a whole range of factors which we explore in From Fearful to Fearless. Even if you suffer with anxiety yourself, this is not your fault and it's not necessarily the case that you have passed your anxiety on to your child. And if you are anxious yourself, taking the course will not only help your child but it will also give you all the strategies and support you need to overcome your own anxiety too!

✔ Your child’s anxiety is disrupting the rest of the family. Having an anxious child can put an enormous strain on everyone around them, which often makes the child feel even worse. Not being able to have relaxed meals and bedtimes, and happy times together as a family - whether it's a spontaneous day out or a holiday in a new place, causes such a lot of disappointment and stress. Enrolling in From Fearful to Fearless will not only benefit your child, but it will also be a massive gift to the whole family.

✔You've already tried every solution under the sun and nothing has worked. As previously explained, From Fearful to Fearless does not just offer a band-aid approach that provides a temporary solution to your anxious child's symptoms, but it gets right to the root causes of their anxiety and deals with them first. I promise that if you and your child apply what you learn in the program consistently, and stick with it, you will see lasting results. 

✔You don’t have the budget for one-on-one therapy for your child. I understand that private therapy is simply not an option for many caring parents. With our tiered pricing options and payment plans, From Fearful to Fearless offers you an affordable opportunity to help your anxious child now.


If you found yourself nodding your head to ANY of the points in the list above, then From Fearful to Fearless would be perfect for you and your child . . . simply click the button below to join our waiting list.  We will run the course again early in 2024.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for 'From Fearful To Fearless'

The course contains 6 modules spread over 8 weeks. In each module there are videos for you, and for your child.

It should take no more than an hour and a half per week max for you to work through the videos in both the modules (assuming you watch the children's ones with your child). You and your child don’t have to watch all of the videos in one sitting – but can dip in and out for a few minutes at a time throughout the week if time is at a premium.

There’s no need to worry or feel that you have to complete it in that time, as you have lifetime access to the course content.   

Here’s some feedback we’ve had from parents about this issue:

“It's such a useful tool for parents and children to be able to engage with in their own time and when they are ready. I think it's a fantastic resource which will enable families to progress at their own pace . . .” 

“I love the fact that you can move through the course alongside your child, and at a pace that suits the busy household timetable!”

“Really helpful, friendly and informative videos. I like the length of each video as I find it easy to fit into the day and helps me to remember the information in each video.”

The idea is for you to work through it at your own speed – one that suits you and your child.  So even though the course is spread over 8 weeks, we’re going to have 2 implementation weeks which will give you time to put some of what you have learned into practice or do some of the homework (there isn’t much, I promise!) before moving on to the next part.


Even if you have tried teaching your child techniques and they have been reluctant to engage, or refused to do them, my experience with the parents who have taken the course is that their children have been very willing to engage and practice all or most of the things I teach them.

I don’t claim any superpower here (well, apart from Bertha, my therapy dog, of course!) but I think it's just that sometimes children are more responsive to a new person teaching them. That being said, I do offer you advice on how to help your child engage and get the best from their videos in the parents' introduction section, so you can ensure they are set up for success.  

Finally, the feedback I've received from parents who have already taken the course is that their children have loved working with them collaboratively on the course (despite their occasional grumbling!) and they have both found it to be a really bonding experience.

The next round of the course will start early in 2024. Do join our waiting list to be notified once we have set the date.

The course will run for 8 weeks, and  after it officially ends, you will still have lifetime access to the course.

I set the maximum age at 13 because I use hand puppets in the childrens' videos and felt teenagers might see them as childish and not want to engage with them.  Having said that, some teenagers are happy with suspending disbelief!

It really depends on what you think you child would find acceptable.  If you think they will still enjoy the videos then do join us!

If your child’s anxiety is causing any disruption to their life or yours, or causing them to miss out on important experiences then you and your child will get huge benefits from the course.  

Early intervention is key when helping anxious children, so even if things don't feel too bad now - don't wait until things get worse before you take action. 

Don't be shy . . . just email me and I'll be very happy to answer any questions you may have!

Or if you would prefer to chat to me in person you can book a free 15 minute call with me here. This is NOT a pressurised sales call, just a chance for you to see if the course feels right for you and your child.



Should you decide to accept my invitation to join FROM FEARFUL TO FEARLESS with your child, I personally guarantee that it will be completely and utterly life-changing for you both, and your family.

I really hope you will give your child the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques I'll be sharing in the course because they will not only help them now, but for the rest of their lives.

I look forward to meeting you personally inside the course, and can't wait to work with you and your child!

Warmest wishes

Frances x




50% Complete

Two Step

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