Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

Protecting Your Child Online: Combatting Cyberbullying

Welcome to the concluding segment of our 4-part series focusing on bullying.


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What To Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied

In my private practice, I often encounter children and adolescents who have been...

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Is Your Child Being Bullied? How to Spot the Signs

Bullying can inflict lasting harm on a child, affecting not only their present but potentially...

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How Shame Affects Children and Young People
If your child is experiencing anxiety, or angry meltdowns, or perfectionism or low mood, it could...
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Bullying - Part 4 - Cyberbullying: how to help your child

Welcome to the final post in this 4-part series all about bullying.

We've looked at how to spot...

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Bullying - Part 3 - How To Help If Your Child is Being Bullied

I see a lot of children and young people in my private practice who have experienced bullying and...

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Bullying - Part 1 - How To Spot The Signs That Your Child is Being Bullied


Bullying can have a devastating effect on a child - not just at the time, but potentially...

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