Creating Kids Who Can

Welcome to our blog where award-winning child therapist, Frances Weston, shares advice for parents. Its aim is to help parents help their children manage and express difficult feelings and cope with life's challenges well, so they can feel happy and confident and experience positive mental health.

How To Help A Child With Back To School Anxiety
In this week's blog I am revisiting a post from this time last year, as it is very relevant now ....
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Helping Your Teen Cope When Exam Results Are Disappointing

Here in the UK, teenagers across the country have already received their A level results or are...

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What To Do When Siblings Are Squabbling Or Fighting

Sometimes sibling relationships can erupt into nasty 'slanging matches' or full blown fights....

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How Parents Can Unintentionally Make Sibling Rivalry Worse

Navigating their relationships with their siblings can bring up some very big feelings for...

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Help . . . my children won't stop fighting!

Now that the summer holidays have started, I know many parents are struggling to cope with their...

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Is My Child Anxious or Just Behaving Badly?
This is a question I get asked so often by parents! It can be hard to tell whether your...
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The Link Between Procrastination, Perfectionism and Anxiety in Children
Is your child a perfectionist, a procrastinator or maybe both?
In this week's video I am...
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3 Ways Your Child Might Be Making Their Anxiety Worse

Managing anxious feelings is really difficult for most children and young people, and sometimes...

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Is Your Anxious Child a Fighter, a Flyer or A Freezer?

In today's video I am going to be exploring the fight, flight or freeze response that is...

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5 Things Your Anxious Child Wants You To Know

Have you ever wondered what might be going on in the mind of your anxious child?

In this week's...

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Building Your Child's Self Esteem - Part Four
Welcome to the 4th and final part of this mini-series on helping boost your child's self esteem.
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Building Your Child's Self Esteem - Part Three
I know how tempting it can be to jump in and offer solutions when our child is struggling with...
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