Helping Your Child Cope With Big Feelings at Christmas Time

Dec 16, 2022
Sad looking girl wearing Santa Hat sitting by a Christmas Tree

While Christmas is a magical time of year for most children, it can of course be a very difficult time for others.

Children who are bereaved, have separated parents, or are experiencing other stressful or sad circumstances, as well as those who are highly anxious, very sensitive or who have Autism, can really struggle at this time of year as the season can bring extra pressures and challenges for them.

In this final video of the year, from the blog archive, I share my tips for helping children in all the above categories to try and have as happy a Christmas as possible.  I hope you find value in it, and if you have any friends who you think might also find it helpful, then please share it with them.

Warmest wishes to you and your family, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Frances x

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